How to check your chatbot user interaction statistics

You can always track how many users interacted with certain chatbot elements and received particular messages or how many users clicked specific buttons in your chatbot flows. You can view graphs and data summaries for specific periods to analyze the necessary information for each chatbot scenario individually.

Chatbot performance statistics

On the main page of the Chatbots section, you can find the necessary information on your chatbots on all channels:

Subscribed total The total number of subscribers in your chatbot's Audience.
Subscribed active The total number of subscribers with the Subscribed and New user statuses.
Subscribed today The number of new users who subscribed on the current day. It is displayed according to the time zone set in your General account settings.
Unsubscribed today The number of users who unsubscribed.
Sessions today The number of users who have interacted with your chatbot: clicked on buttons in messages, sent messages, and started or continued a flow. A session lasts for 24 hours from the moment a user first sends a message.
Sent total The total number of messages sent to users.

Chatbot statistics chart

You can also view your chatbot's performance statistics for a selected period on a graph. To do this, select your chatbot, and go to the Statistics tab.

Afterward, you need to select a period and click Apply.

Select an indicator for your graph.

The statistics are displayed in the UTC+0 time zone.

Subscribers acquired during this period

Here you can see the number of your new subscribers for a selected period. You can also find the number of your active subscribers for the whole period of your chatbot's work below.

Messages sent during this period

Here you can see the number of messages sent during a selected period. You can also find the number of messages sent during your chatbot's work below.

Messages received during this period

Here you can see the number of incoming messages for a selected period. The number of incoming messages for the entire period of your chatbot's work is also displayed below.

Costs spent during this period

Cost, an additional metric, is also available in WhatsApp chatbot statistics. It shows the amount of money spent on template messages.

Costs spent on the current day are also displayed below.

The number of sessions during this period

Here you can see the number of users who interacted with your chatbot: clicked on buttons in messages, sent messages, and started or continued a flow. A session lasts for 24 hours from the moment a user first sends a message.

You can view detailed session statistics on your WhatsApp chatbot that shows the total number of sessions started, the number of sessions started after following an ad link, and the number of sessions initiated by users or business.

Flow statistics

General statistics

You can view general statistics on the number of messages you've sent and read and the number of links that users clicked on. Moreover, you can compare the rate of your read messages to the number of sent messages and analyze your click-through rate compared to the number of read messages.

Element statistics

You can see the number of interactions with the Message, Action, and Flow elements.

You can click on a number below these elements to see their statuses for each recipient.

The Message element can have the following statuses:

Sent A message was sent to a recipient, but they have not yet read it.
Opened A message was opened by a recipient.
Clicked A recipient clicked a button in a message.
Rejected A recipient or a social network has rejected a message.

Action and Flow elements can have the Sent status, which means that an element was started but was not yet executed, or the Done status if an element was executed.

Button statistics

You can track the number of clicks on buttons like Continue and Link.

You can also click on the number below to see all the recipients who clicked on your link.

Please note that to allow a user to continue the flow by clicking on the button, you need to activate the Link Tracking option in the chatbot settings under the General tab.

Campaign statistics

General statistics

You can check the overall statistics for each campaign, including the number of sent and delivered messages, the number of recipients, and the number and percentage of read messages.

The Engagement indicator is displayed for Telegram and Facebook, and the Read indicator is displayed for WhatsApp and Instagram.

Expanded statistics

Click on the arrow in the right corner of the table to see your detailed statistics.

Recipients The number of users selected to receive your campaign.
Rejected or partially rejected The number of recipients who have blocked your messages or complained about the content you sent.
Sent The number of recipients your message was sent to, but they have not received it yet.
Delivered The number of recipients who are online and have successfully received your message but have not yet read it.
Read The number of recipients who have read your message. You can also analyze your read rate compared to the number of delivered messages.
Engagement The number of recipients who interacted with your chatbot after sending the campaign and clicked on your button links. It is displayed only for Telegram chatbots instead of the Read indicator. You can also analyze your engagement rate compared to the number of delivered messages.

Campaign status

You can also check the status of your campaign. Campaigns can have the following statuses: In Progress (for new campaigns sent to recipients), Scheduled, Cancelled, and Sent.

Campaign recipients

You can also check your statistics for each recipient separately, for instance, your sending status and the time when your campaign status was changed.

Recipients can have the following statuses:

Delivered A recipient has received your message successfully but has not opened it yet.
Read A recipient has read your message.
Rejected A recipient or a social network has rejected your message. Next to the "Rejected" status, there may be a more detailed explanation about the reason for a sending error. Most often, messages are rejected because a message or chatbot is blocked by a subscriber or a social network itself.

Read also: Common reasons why your Facebook page got blocked

Clicks A recipient has clicked on your button link. It is displayed only on Telegram and Facebook. To enable tracking, go to Bot Settings, then to the General tab, and enable Link Tracking.
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