How to view tasks

You can monitor your tasks and their data as they progress. In this article, we will overview how to navigate to your task board, select a display mode, and view task cards and their associated data.

Select a display mode

Go to a task board, and select the Kanban, List, or Calendar display mode. You can also use filters to sort tasks by specific criteria.

In the Kanban mode, tasks appear as cards at their corresponding stages on the board, showing their name, priority, start and due dates, linked deals and contacts, assignees, and the number of comments.

In the List mode, tasks appear as rows. Every row shows its task name, priority, start and due dates, linked deals and contacts, assignees, and watchers. You can also click the three dots to add or remove fields.

In the Calendar mode, task names appear in cells that match their due dates.

In the Main section, you can view general information about tasks.

View task cards

Click your task card.

In the upper card corner, you will find your task name, ID, stage, assignee, watchers, date created, and last update date.

With the Basic pricing plan and above, you can access the Documents tab that allows you to create documents and automatically add task data to them.

Read more: How to create a document.

On the left, you will find the following task information:

Priority Task completion priority.
Tags Assigned task tags.
Dates Task start and due date and time.
Task repeat Task repetition frequency.

Your card will only have this field if you selected it when creating the task.

<Custom field> Custom field data.

You can also click Hide empty fields to improve information management. This option will not affect how task fields appear for other CRM users.

Parent task Linked parent task.
Subtasks Linked subtasks.
Description General task description.
Checklist Task completion progress.
Links Linked deals, contacts, and tasks.
Files Attached files.

Read more: How to create a task and How to use and manage tasks.

On the right, you can view your task history and comments to keep up with the latest updates.

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