How to view contacts

You can view information about all your contacts in a list, individually, and in the Companies tab. Customer data analysis allows you to get a full understanding of customer engagement, single out their needs, and track their request history.

In this article, we will talk about how to view contacts and their data.

In the contact list

To view your list of contacts, go to the Contacts section. This list displays all of the contacts that you created manually in the Contacts section, added when creating a deal, and those that were added with the automatic source of the deal.

To view contacts by a certain criterion, you can use the filter.

On the page, you will see the name of the contact, their contact details, the number of deals to which the contact has been linked, tags, and contact fields.

Users can only view contacts as per their role settings.

Read also: How to manage team members.

You can select the fields you want to show. To do this, click the three dots at the top of your list, and select fields.

In the lower right corner, you can adjust the number of records shown by selecting 10, 20, or 50 in the View field.

In the contact card

To open a card with all contact information, click the contact name in the list.

On the left, you can view the contact name, the contact source, date when they were added, and the ID. You can also view contact data and attributes and edit them.

Click the arrow icon below the contact source to view more data.

On the right side of the card are tabs with various information about the contact and interaction with it. Switch between them for viewing and editing.


Used to add comments about a contact, mention other team members, and attach documents. You can see the history of your work with the contact and your deal progress with all the comments below. You can choose to view the entire history or only the comments.

Read more: How to work with contact history and comments.

Available with the Basic plan and above, as well as during the 7-day free trial

Includes created documents with their statuses and dates.

You can view, email, download, or unlink these documents from their cards.

To create a new document using card data, click Create document.

Read more: How to create a document.


Contains a list of deals associated with your selected contact. To add a new deal for the selected contact, click +Add deal.

Enter the deal name, amount, select the person responsible, funnel stage and deal type. Create new fields as needed. Click Add deal.

Read more: How to manage deals.


Contains linked tasks or creates a new one.

Enter your task name, fill in all the required fields, and click Add task.

Read also: How to create a task and How to work with tasks.

Your task will appear in the contact card. It will indicate your task’s title, status, due dates, and assignee. To edit a task or view it as a card, click it.

To unlink a task, click the unlink icon next to the task name.


Available with the Lite plan and above, as well as during the 7-day free trial

Contains more information on the contact's payments: payment system, amount, description, status, and date.

The selected payment system provides details on all payment statuses. For more information, we recommend contacting your payment service provider’s support team.

Learn more: Sources of automatically added deals: payments.

You can also generate payment links and share them with customers.

Read more: How to generate payment links in CRM.


Contains data about calls made via your telephony integration, including the call date and time, duration, type (incoming, outgoing, missed), call recording, and team member who interacted with this contact.

Read also: How to connect Binotel to your CRM system.


Contains a list of courses for which the contact has registered, course progress, and the courses they have already taken.

Learn more: How to manage student information.

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