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Create email templates with ease!

No coding skills required. Add images, text or video to your email and modify their size, color, and style.

panel editor button drag element drag

Drag and drop elements

If you want any element to appear in your template, simply drag it from the left side of the screen into the work area.

buttons editor
panel editor zoom table

Create a design matching the style of your site

Change the background, text color, font size and style, as well as other parameters to suit your taste.

buttons editor
email body button drag video

YouTube video in emails

Insert a link to the video and SendPulse will load the preview for it.

position social icons panel social icons select social icons

Social networks

Continue communicating with your subscribers on social networks, by adding links to your social media pages in your email.

buttons editor

Over 130 ready-made templates

With our variety of templates, you can find a design for any event or promotion. Create the perfect email in minutes.

Select template
panel button modal

Component library

Add important email elements using our ready-made components like: pre-headers, footers, unsubscribe links or empty columns.

panel save element

Saved elements

When creating a message, save the elements that you want to use for future templates.

icon testing


See what your recipients will see before you send your email.

icon compatibility


Templates created in the editor will look good on screens of any resolution on any device.

icon free hosting

Free hosting

Upload your pictures to the SendPulse server.


It’s easy. Register with SendPulse, go to “Email templates” tab, drag and drop the elements like images, text pieces, buttons, etc., into the working area, and customize everything to your liking. Here’s a step-by-step guide, so feel free to try it out.

You can create a perfect email template in less than half an hour with SendPulse. To save time, you can choose one of our free templates or use a Chrome extension to save other companies’ email as your template.

No, you don’t. SendPulse’s drag and drop editor is intuitive so that any marketer can use it to the advantage of their businesses.

The editor is available on free plans

We will take care of the technical side of your emails, so you can focus on your customers