A company profile is a business summary created to convey the main information about the product or service to the target audience. It covers the history, values, mission, vision, and advantages of a specific company. You can find a company profile in 'About Us' on a business’ official website.

In this article, we’ll uncover the importance of a company profile and how to write it. We’ll also review several excellent examples.

Why is a company profile important?

A company profile serves every business owner as a promotion tool that speaks to the target audience. A company profile helps you establish a positive and lasting first impression on your audience. A well-designed profile allows you to be visible across various marketing channels: websites, social media, messengers, forums, etc. Customers can find information about your business and product through preferred platforms when they are interested.

If you manage to deliver essential information to your clients, you can stand out from the competition. Relevant, useful, and reliable companies always take priority among consumers. Your task is to resonate with your audience and provide them with a solution. An engaging company profile generates leads and converts them into customers if they receive all the necessary information.

An appealing profile enables you to establish brand awareness and credibility. Showing professionalism, transparency, and quality is critical since these facts influence buyer decisions. When you do it right, it will help you reach your key business goals. Make sure to share your engaging brand story and cover appealing branding so that people trust your company and choose it over dozens of others.

Company profile introduces your product to customers and uncovers its benefits. People can instantly find out whether it will help them solve their problems and attain the necessary results. Besides, a profile gives a clear understanding of your business to your future employees. You can find perfect candidates during the recruiting process.

Now that you know the importance, it’s time to review how to create a company profile. After exploring this section, you’ll be able to do it for your business.

How to write a company profile?

Writing a company profile isn’t an easy task, yet vital for every entrepreneur. This section will guide you through this process to create a well-thought-out ‘About Us’ page for your business.

  1. Determine profile purpose. To create a working company profile, you need to set its purpose. It will help you align the statements with your key goals. If you strive to get new investors, consider covering your company’s profit, business performance, and product benefits. When you wish to drive customers’ attention, it’s essential to include your values.
  2. Choose a relevant style. Make sure that the style you use for your profile is appealing and engaging. Check your text for readability. The style of your profile depends on the field you are in and your target audience. You can be traditional, creative, or visual in your statements. Your task is to resonate with your customers and make them engage.
  3. Share your brand story. There are dozens of businesses that sell products similar to yours. However, there’s always a way to make your company stand out. An appealing brand story makes you unique. That’s why you need to put all your effort into writing it as best as possible. Introduce yourself to your customers and let them know who you are and what you do. You can tell your audience about your inspirations and reasons for starting this business.
  4. Include a mission statement. Create a mission statement and include it in your company profile. Ensure that your mission unveils your target customer, competitive advantage, and the product your offer.
  5. Cover company history. Create an overview of how, why, and when you established your business. Include the values, key events, and other notable facts about the brand’s past. Do it chronologically so that customers can understand where you started and what you have achieved until now.
  6. Write your achievements. Showcase your rewards and achievements if you have them. It denotes that many people trust you and purchase your goods. Awards establish trust and credibility.
  7. Share testimonials. You can increase sales by simply sharing testimonials. Ask satisfied customers for feedback to create testimonials. They will serve potential consumers as a source of information. The feedback will help consumers make positive purchasing decisions.
  8. Make sure to add a call to action button. Consider adding a call to action button to your company profile. It will help consumers continue exploring your website. You can invite them to discover your product, ask for a call, or visit your office.
  9. Include contact information. To drive more prospects, you need to provide contact information. Ensure that all your website visitors can reach you through the website, phone, social media, or messengers. Include your contact information in your company profile. If potential customers are interested in your company and product, they will strive to know more about your business.

Now that you know how to develop a company profile, let’s jump into examples. They’ll help you decide where to start.

Examples of Company Profiles

You can find hundreds of amazing company profiles designed by famous brands on the internet. We’ve decided to gather the most recognizable brands and their profiles in this section for you to grab some inspiration.

Bath&Body Works

Bath&Body Works is a well-known retail store chain that sells soaps, fragrances, and candles. The brand’s profile appeals to its target audience by unveiling the company’s achievements and years of successful work. From the ‘About Us’ page, potential clients can instantly know about the company’s product offers and the number of stores open. It shows the authority and the popularity of Bath&Body Works’ items among consumers. Its company profile covers the brand’s values, such as diversity, equity, and inclusion, based on which the chain operates.

Bath&Body Works


PUMA designs and manufactures athletic footwear, apparel, and accessories. From the company profile, you can see that the company operates in the sports field. The brand encourages people to take risks and be brave. PUMA’s customers are people involved in sports who are ready to transform. The company strives for the best quality to ensure that all training goes well with its consumers.



Waze is a platform where users obtain real-time driving directions based on live traffic. The service is helpful for those who want to avoid traffic jams and reduce their stress level on the road. Waze encourages cooperation among drivers to inform about jams and navigate the best routes. The company values the time of its users and helps find the best ways out of overcrowded streets during busy hours.


Congrats, now you know what a company profile is and why it’s essential. Hope that our examples inspired you to create an appealing company profile for your business.

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