How to work in a student's account

Once students register for a course, they can access their personal accounts. They can edit their profiles, take courses, and ask their instructors questions.

How to enroll in a course

Sign up

If you are invited to join a course, you will receive an email with a registration link. Follow it to go to a course website. If you have a link to a course landing page, follow it to sign up.

Click the signup button (its name may differ depending on the page design).

You can ask a question via a course landing page. Read more: How can students ask questions and find the answers?

Enter your email address, and click Sign up.

Then, you will receive a confirmation email and an automatically generated password that you can use to sign in. You can choose how to access your account via the received email:

  • Follow the link that will redirect you to the login page. There, you need to enter your email address and automatically generated password and click Sign up for a course.
  • Click the button to use the quick login.

You can always change your password in account settings.

Sign in

You can sign in to your account without registering if you are already enrolled in any course of the same instructor on this domain. To do this, click the login button — depending on the landing page design, it may be called "Sign in."

Log in using one of the methods:

Password Log in to your account the usual way.

Enter your email address and password, and click Sign in.

Quick login Log in to your account without a password.

Enter the email address you specified during registration, select the Quick login option, and click Send.

Afterward, you will receive an email with a sign in button — click it to start or continue studying.

How to set up your personal account

In your personal account, you can edit your first and last name, select a language, and change your password. To do this, click Edit profile.

In your instructor account, you can also customize your student account style

How to manage multiple active sessions

Multiple students cannot access and use the same account simultaneously in your paid and free courses. Only one desktop user and one mobile user can log in at the same time. If the second user logs in to the account through the same platform, the first user will be logged out.

How to manage courses before taking them

In the Courses section, you will see the following tabs:

My courses All courses students are enrolled in are divided into the following sections:
  • Started: Courses you are currently taking.
  • Scheduled: Courses that haven’t begun yet or that you haven’t started.
  • Completed: Courses you have already completed.
All All academy courses in which you are not enrolled:
  • Paid;
  • Free.

You can also see your instructor’s recommended courses in the Recommended courses section in both tabs.

All courses can be filtered by category and date created. To do this, use filters on the right.

To view courses of another academy, click Change academy in the upper left corner. Select an academy in the modal window.

Viewing course progress

If a course is marked as Course Started, it means that it has been started by its instructor, and you can take it. If you open a course at least once, you will see your course progress.

Getting started

To start a course you registered for or were invited to, click Enroll.

If an instructor has set a course completion time limit, you will see how many days you have left to complete it. Once this time is up, you will not be able to access the course.

Then, click the course to open it, and start studying.

Viewing a course program

When you open a course, its program will be on the left, including its sections, lessons, and tests. Click the first lesson to start studying.

How to manage courses when taking them

To proceed to the next lesson in linear order, mark the previous lesson as completed, pass the test, and turn in the assignment. With non-linear courses, marking lessons as completed is not necessary because you have access to all lessons in a course or section.

Viewing a lesson

In each lesson, you can find materials of different formats, but these are mostly video lectures. There can be other useful downloadable materials, for example, guides, books, and presentations. To download them to your device, click a file.

If you have a carousel in your lesson, you can use the bottom switch to scroll through it. To expand an image in a modal window, click it.

Taking a lesson

After watching all the lectures and viewing all the materials, mark a lesson as completed. To do this, select the Mark as completed checkbox. Сlick the arrow — you will go to the next step.

This way, you can view your progress on the course page and receive a certificate of completion. Your instructor can also limit access to the next lesson if the previous one is not marked as completed.

Passing a test

During their studies, students may be required to take tests if course creators choose to include them. Students’ test scores determine whether they will successfully complete a course and earn their certificates.

To answer a test question, select an answer, and click Next.

If an instructor enables the Show the correct answer option, students will see which answers are correct and which are not after they select an answer.

If an instructor also enables the Show answer explanations option, students will see their explanations to each correct answer.

Once you complete the test, you will see your score.

If an instructor allows more attempts in the Attempts to pass option, students can take the test again. To do it, they need to click Repeat.

Doing homework

An assignment is considered successfully completed if an instructor accepts it.

Below an assignment, there is a field where you can type in your answer and attach a file. Enter your answer, attach a file if necessary, and click Send.

Once you submit an assignment, it can have the following statuses:

To be reviewed

The assignment will be reviewed by an instructor soon.

Students can edit assignments with this status. To do this, click Edit below your answer. Enter a new answer, and click Send.

Accepted The instructor has accepted and graded the assignment. The lesson will be marked as Completed. If the instructor left a comment, you will find it below the assignment.

The instructor has returned the assignment for revision.

Students can click assignments with this status and send a new answer.

If the course is sequential, students will not be able to continue studying until the instructor grades their assignments.

Students’ questions and instructors’ answers

Students can ask questions during their course registration and each lesson.

Read also: How can Students ask questions and find the answers?

To ask a question on the lesson page, click the message icon in the upper right corner. Type in a question, and click Send.

You can view all your questions and answers from instructors in the Questions tab. If an instructor posts a new answer, you will see a blue dot next to your question. An email notification will be sent to your email address specified during the registration.

To see an answer, click a question. Here, you can ask an additional question or reply to your instructor. Click the arrow on the right to submit your reply.

Course calendar

Using the calendar, you can monitor course events, including course openings and closings and scheduled sections, lessons, tests, or certificates.

Go to the Calendar tab.

In the upper right corner, select a content type (courses, sections, lessons, tests, or certificates) to find related events.

In the upper left corner, you can select the Dates or List viewing mode. In the center, select a month to show course events. To go back to the current month, click To today’s date on the left.

Your calendar shows current and upcoming course events within the same academy. To switch academies, click Change academy above your profile picture.

Every event is labeled by its content type (course, section, lesson, test, or certificate) and color-coded (red for closing and blue for opening).

Click an event to view its name, opening date and time, and course. Click Go to course/section/certificate to go to this event’s course.

How to view notifications

Students can view default messages about their progress or push notifications you create in the Notifications tab in their account and app. You can also filter messages by status.

How to manage a course after its completion

Meeting course completion criteria

To complete a course and get access to the results page, students need to fulfill a set of requirements (if an instructor has selected them in the course settings):

Once all the required conditions are met, a checkmark will appear next to lessons and tests. However, it will not appear next to sections that are not completed. This can help students see what they need to complete.

Viewing results

To go to the results page, click Results in the lower left corner.

On this page, you can view your overall score for all tests, download your certificate, give feedback, and see other students’ feedback and recommended courses.

You can also view the following:

  • number of completed lessons;
  • total and individual test scores;
  • certificates for this course.

Getting a certificate

Go to the results page.

You can download your certificate in PDF or print it.

Your certificate to their course will appear if your instructor has added one and you have completed the course.

You can download your certificate later in the certificate gallery. Go to the Certificates tab on the main page, and select your certificate.

Giving course feedback

Students can rate each lesson, test, and the whole course. This way, an instructor will be able to receive feedback and improve their educational materials or course program.

To rate a lesson or test while you are taking it, go to the necessary section, and rate it on a 5-point scale.

To rate the whole course, go to the results page, give a star rating, type in your review, and click Send.

Students will be able to see other students’ course feedback if an instructor chooses to display reviews.

If an instructor chooses to display recommended courses, students will be able to see them on the results page or main page and enroll.

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